Victoria School

Victoria School
My school.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Something unusual that happened in my primary school life one day.(5th entry)

     I would never forget the day my friend went hysterical when I was Primary five. Everything was fine at first, we were all doing our chinese composition, each competing against one another to see who will complete first. There was this kid name Samuel, we didn't communicate much as he had a shy nature, even if  we did communicate, it would be a short thirty seconds talk. Well, he was just sitting there silently, as usual, doing his composition when he suddenly spoke a few words to a partner near him, something like, what do I do and why is this happening. That seemed pretty normal at first because we all thought he was just talking about his assignment being very difficult. However, things started to get worse, as his partner started explaining the topic to Samuel, he went a bit mental and started shouting and pointing at his partner saying things like, "I said why is this happening to me!" You may think this is made up, but I guarantee you, every word I said is true.
     As I was saying, Samuel went hysterical as if he had a screw loose, this definitely caught our chinese teacher's attention. Miss Tan strolled to him to analyse the situation. Samuel, after being questioned by our teacher, broke down into a sob, murmuring words like, " I don't know" and " I am a stain". Some classmates turned around and looked at him with wide eyed disgust while others, with sympathy. Although Samuel was advised to see our school councellor, he rejected it immediately leaving the teacher with no choice but to accept his decision. However, as a prefect, I could not see my friend suffer in silence, so, I went to Samuel during our break to ask about his sudden reaction. The weird thing is, Samuel told me that he did not even know what happened just thirty minutes before. Well that answer left me dumbfounded for years, and even now, I am still wondering if Samuel had a screw loose.

A problem I encountered and how I solved it.(4th entry)

      When I was about to start on this topic, I just can't help but remember the time I was being bullied when I was just a young Primary three boy. There was this muscle boy, which was what we all called him, he was huge, unfortunately, he took advantage of his own size and threw his weight around, of course not forgetting how he used to be a big bully. Whenever I had a chance, I would move as far away as possible from that hooligan so as not to get into any unwanted trouble. However, I was not always that fortunate, he would often grab me by my collar, thus forcing me to fork over all my savings. At that time, I was all skinny and did not have a chance to move a muscle within his grasp, I was totally at his mercy. So, I reluctantly but not showing any sign of hate, handed over a sum of money I actually needed for my daily meals.
      This happened to me like five to six times before I went hysterical, the reason why I didn't seek parental or any teacher's help was because I was afraid he might take his revenge, so, I decided to confront the bully and end things myself. I was turning the corner to his "hideout" when I heard someone sobbing. It was really pitiful to hear that sound because if someone is crying at the bully's hideout, he must have been bullied. Again, I got even more frustrated just thinking of the number of victims of that heartless bully, so I immediately picked up my pace, wanting to console that poor guy. After seeing who was behind the wall, I was dumbfounded. Who was it? You guessed right, it was the bully himself!
      Things started to get weird, but I admit, it was kind of funny seeing that big guy cry,it makes him look like a baby. After questioning him while being careful not to insult him at the same time, I realised that he had just lost his Grandmother, when I say lost,  it means that she passed away. All the while, he had started bullying to vent his anger after the loss of his parents and now, his Grandmother. I consoled him, although it seemed weird, telling how to be strong and fend for himself. After all that pep talk, he even decided to take emotional help from the school counsellor. This was about all, in the end I realised that there must be a reason behind everyone's doing just like the bully, he bullied so as to vent his anger and maybe to protect himself. In the end, I solved this little problem by giving him some advice so as to stop his bullying rampage and I hope he is now doing well in life.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Something that took place in school a year before.(3rd entry)

      It was my first time experiencing a inter-class challenge in Victoria School. The challenge consisted of the floorball three on three and the soccer match in the tennis court, five on five. At first, I enrolled myself in the soccer match, and was all geared up for the challenge, unfortunately I had sprained my ankle two days before the inter-class competition, how disappointing!
      The day came as I sat out of the court watching my close friends battle it out for the title, perspiration like water from hoses "sprayed" from their hair as different teams compete against each other. Although I was still bothered by my misfortune, I still cheered my friends on. After around three hours of solid "workout", it was time to reveal the champion classes. To my surprise, 1G, our class, came in first! What joy and honor our team felt as they received the trophies. Come to think of it, I would actually have got my first Victoria School trophy if it was not for my sprained ankle, however I decided to put aside those negative thoughts and look forward to the next inter-class challenge where our team can once again emerge as champion. As for the floorball championship, we were not as lucky, however, I felt that the team had already done their very best and put in all their effort into the match, so we still congratulated them for their hard work. The first inter-class competition I experienced in Victoria School had been a very unforgettable one which I had enjoyed thoroughly.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A special moment I enjoyed with my family.(2nd entry)

      Away from technology for a whole day, that would make most teens my age feel bored or even go hysterical, well that was how I felt at first when my parents annouced that they were going to bring my brother and I to Pulau Ubin for our "family outing", what kind of outing was that? No phone signals, no computers to enjoy, how could anyone survive there without being bored to death?
      The moment we reached the island,  we rented bicycles to rome about, fresh oxygen in the air, actually it did not seem as bad as I thought. We cycled around looking at all the diffrent kinds of things in the surrounding, for example, trees and insects not commonly found in Singapore. Time flies and before we knew it, the sun was beginning to set. It was a indeed a breathtaking sight as we sat on the beach gazing at the awesome scene infront of us. Words could hardly describe how I felt then with my family enjoying the special moment with me! Through this experience, I realised that life can be simple yet fulfilling. I learned to appreciate nature better and  find that life is really beautiful and precious.  It was indeed a good outing away from the hustle and bustle of the city life, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A moment spent alone doing what I just realise was enjoying.(1st entry)

      It started out as just a simple assignment, creating a blog with 5 entries, but that was just the requirments. There were still many conditions in order to score, for example, two other media such as sound, images and also a comment box. This was totally like a "foreign land" to me as it was my first time doing a major project by myself. At first, I looked at it as if it was a chore, and I dreaded the day I set to complete this blogging assignment. After learning how to create all those applications that I just mentioned from my friends, I started to enjoy the process of doing it. It was after seeing my almost complete blog in "action",including those cute applications like the "I pod touch", my friends could not agree more. Who knew a homework could be so interesting! I added more and more different and new applications such as a countdown clock, and a video bar. All these interesting applications were adapted from my friends, which also means I got ideas from them. I thought I was half done, however, the I pod touch started to give me problems such as, the first music couldn't be played, turns out the music was not available anymore, I solved it easily by changing the song. The next major problem was the pictures that I tried to upload had an error, I was filled with frustration after three hours of fiddling with the computer. This problem didn't have a "cure" so I had to try different pictures to finally solve it. Although there were many difficulties, I still feel that creating this blog was very worth while as I get to try many new things and as the old saying goes, you will not know until you try it, if I hadn't put effort to try, I would not even have realise a blog would be so enjoyable. Look at me now, I've finished my first entry!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

3 pointers to start my blog.

Creating of the blog templates was not a challenge but the other requirements for example the sound, the chat box, and of course not forgetting the images posed a little problem intially. However they were easily overcomed with the help of my friends, now all that is left is to finish the 5 topics and my blog will be done:)