Victoria School

Victoria School
My school.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A special moment I enjoyed with my family.(2nd entry)

      Away from technology for a whole day, that would make most teens my age feel bored or even go hysterical, well that was how I felt at first when my parents annouced that they were going to bring my brother and I to Pulau Ubin for our "family outing", what kind of outing was that? No phone signals, no computers to enjoy, how could anyone survive there without being bored to death?
      The moment we reached the island,  we rented bicycles to rome about, fresh oxygen in the air, actually it did not seem as bad as I thought. We cycled around looking at all the diffrent kinds of things in the surrounding, for example, trees and insects not commonly found in Singapore. Time flies and before we knew it, the sun was beginning to set. It was a indeed a breathtaking sight as we sat on the beach gazing at the awesome scene infront of us. Words could hardly describe how I felt then with my family enjoying the special moment with me! Through this experience, I realised that life can be simple yet fulfilling. I learned to appreciate nature better and  find that life is really beautiful and precious.  It was indeed a good outing away from the hustle and bustle of the city life, I thoroughly enjoyed it.