Victoria School

Victoria School
My school.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Something unusual that happened in my primary school life one day.(5th entry)

     I would never forget the day my friend went hysterical when I was Primary five. Everything was fine at first, we were all doing our chinese composition, each competing against one another to see who will complete first. There was this kid name Samuel, we didn't communicate much as he had a shy nature, even if  we did communicate, it would be a short thirty seconds talk. Well, he was just sitting there silently, as usual, doing his composition when he suddenly spoke a few words to a partner near him, something like, what do I do and why is this happening. That seemed pretty normal at first because we all thought he was just talking about his assignment being very difficult. However, things started to get worse, as his partner started explaining the topic to Samuel, he went a bit mental and started shouting and pointing at his partner saying things like, "I said why is this happening to me!" You may think this is made up, but I guarantee you, every word I said is true.
     As I was saying, Samuel went hysterical as if he had a screw loose, this definitely caught our chinese teacher's attention. Miss Tan strolled to him to analyse the situation. Samuel, after being questioned by our teacher, broke down into a sob, murmuring words like, " I don't know" and " I am a stain". Some classmates turned around and looked at him with wide eyed disgust while others, with sympathy. Although Samuel was advised to see our school councellor, he rejected it immediately leaving the teacher with no choice but to accept his decision. However, as a prefect, I could not see my friend suffer in silence, so, I went to Samuel during our break to ask about his sudden reaction. The weird thing is, Samuel told me that he did not even know what happened just thirty minutes before. Well that answer left me dumbfounded for years, and even now, I am still wondering if Samuel had a screw loose.